Privacy Policy

Data Protection & Privacy Policy

Bohemiaana is devoted to provide and share with you and all services relating to body, mind, soul. It also tries its best to write and share authentic information regarding food & nutrition, social relationship, hobby, life style etc.

In this context, Bohemiaana has written this Privacy Policy to validate its commitment to maintain the privacy of the visitors to its web site, along with other contacts. Here Bohemiaana defines the type of information it collects and how and why it collects such information and also its declared purpose. Those who enjoy the website, they are always welcome.


Subscription to Bohemiaana is free. During subscription, users are required to provide their contact information such as name and e-mail, which Bohemiaana uses to provide requested services for its website visitors, to help surfing this site easier. It also provides more personalized experiences on these websites. The only purpose of the Bohemiaana to use such information is to provide improves services in future and learn from the visitors their requirements.

Subscription for Newsletters

Any user who intend to subscribe to Bohemiaana e-mail newsletters and publications are requested to provide their basic contact information such as name and e-mail address.

How to contact us?

The customers and investors who are interested in Bohemiaana vision mission and purpose can submit information to the site by using the ‘Contact Us’ key. Such submissions may include many types queries, feedback, or other information. In such cases, Bohemiaana has the right to retain e-mails and other information sent to it for its internal administrative purposes to help you serve better in future without any Third-Party sharing.

Types of Information Bohemiaana Collects

Bohemiaana normally requests your name e-mail address. Bohemiaana collects data on date, time, browser type, navigation history and IP addresses of all visitors to the web site. It uses such information for internal security audit, trend analysis, administrative purposes. It also collects information on visitor behavior and usage patterns. It also tries to learn from the preferences of the visitors regarding site contents. Bohemiaana will never share disclose this information with Third Party.

The Bohemiaana team states that our servers may automatically collect information about the visitor’s computer, the type of browser software, the operating system, the preference and Internet Protocol ("IP") address. The IP address is normally associated with the place from which the visitor enters the Internet, internet service provider, company or university, etc.

Further, if the visitor provides personally identifiable information, Bohemiaana will use it to provide the service reply requested. Our team may also use the information to communicate with you about latest features, upcoming products or services, and also to improve the services that you may be waiting to receive as per your queries and needs.

Sharing Data

Bohemiaana promises that it does not sell, rent, or lease its customer and investor information to Third Party. These may be shared with those who are working as Bohemiaana’s authors, agents, service providers, and with those who agree to use these only for the same purpose of Bohemiaana, and keep the data secure and confidential. Bohemiaana may disclose such data if required by national government law. Moreover, in special cases, when such information is necessary to identify, contact or take legal action against those who are responsible for causing injury to or interference with, deliberately or inadvertently, its rights or property. Bohemiaana declares that it may share aggregate information, which is not personally identifiable with others.

Kids, Children and Parents

This website is specifically developed and spread for adults. It is not intended to be used by children, especially those under age 13. Legally, no one below the age of 13 is allowed to provide any personal information, or use our topics of public discourse topics, media and chats. Because, these children, male or female, are minors between the ages of 13 and 17, so they should get the permission of their parents. So, parents should be careful about their children and minors regarding Internet use.


Cookie is a small piece of data stored on the user's computer by the web browser while someone is browsing a website. It is universal in Internet world. These cookies are used to control the display of advertisements, track down custom patterns, carry editorial content, record registration process, and also personalization of information on the visitors in the website. Our cookies may contain personally identifiable information. Such cookies may be shared with our affiliates, agents, authors and sister companies. Some of the advertisers sometimes help serve you cookies. But we do not have control over cookies coming from external sources such as advertisers. Cookies are not bad, they are helpful. But still, if you set your browser to refuse cookies, you may not enjoy some portions of the site perfectly.

Security Safeguard

Bohemiaana under any situation will take fitting steps to safeguard that personal data is protected from unlawful access and disclosure, except its own legal business. All visitors and users are requested to read this policy very often to remain well-informed of any changes therein.
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